Rest In Peace, Mary Ann
December 30, 2020 12:20 PM   Subscribe

Dawn Wells, Mary Ann on 'Gilligan's Island,' dies of Covid-19 complications at 82.
posted by darkstar (82 comments total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
Wells had a career that spanned seven decades, and was reportedly as nice in person as her most famous character.
posted by darkstar at 12:23 PM on December 30, 2020 [7 favorites]

posted by Atom Eyes at 12:26 PM on December 30, 2020

It's my 50th birthday today, and I woke up with "the sniffles" which means minor cold symptoms. My nose feels funny, is semi running and I have that sorta "run down" feeling. Now I read this. Guess I'm quarantining?

Back on topic, I'm sad to hear this news about Dawn Wells. Gilligan's Island was a staple TV rerun of my youth. Pretty sure I've seen every episode—and several episodes multiple times. There were only a few TV stations back then. RIP.
posted by SoberHighland at 12:27 PM on December 30, 2020 [7 favorites]

The tontine goes to Ginger.

posted by RobotVoodooPower at 12:31 PM on December 30, 2020 [33 favorites]

posted by supermedusa at 12:36 PM on December 30, 2020

posted by bondcliff at 12:38 PM on December 30, 2020

posted by TedW at 12:38 PM on December 30, 2020

You go to hell, 2020.
posted by Guy Smiley at 12:42 PM on December 30, 2020 [12 favorites]

posted by meinvt at 12:43 PM on December 30, 2020

posted by calamari kid at 12:46 PM on December 30, 2020

utterly pointless deaths. i laughed my ass off at that show when i was a wee lad.

posted by j_curiouser at 12:48 PM on December 30, 2020 [2 favorites]

posted by New Frontier at 12:51 PM on December 30, 2020 [2 favorites]

posted by cazoo at 12:51 PM on December 30, 2020 [1 favorite]

posted by Splunge at 12:54 PM on December 30, 2020

posted by Thorzdad at 12:57 PM on December 30, 2020

posted by jzb at 12:57 PM on December 30, 2020 [1 favorite]

Emma Peel > Agent 99 > Mary Ann > Velma. These were my female heroes as a child.
We've lost two of these just in the past year.
In the first year of the show, the last lines of the theme song went "Gilligan, the Skipper, too, the millionaire and his wife, the movie star, and the rest, here on Gilligan's Isle."
The rest? There were only two more. (They corrected the song to include the Professor and Mary Ann.)
posted by dances_with_sneetches at 12:58 PM on December 30, 2020 [10 favorites]

Noted stoner Dawn Wells was that much cooler than Variety depicted.

posted by rhizome at 12:58 PM on December 30, 2020 [9 favorites]

The tontine goes to Ginger.

I guess we finally found God's answer to the famous question. I am sure Tina Louise, who did her utmost to out the show behind her, is simply thrilled to be the last one standing and have to field still more questions from entertainment reporters about a silly show from more than half a century ago.

I had the chance to meet Wells when she was doing a play in Toronto in the eighties. She was very friendly and charming toward a geeky and mildly starstruck teenager who had never met anyone more famous than the weather guy on the local newscast. This was someone who had been on TV probably every day of my life and she was asking me about myself!
posted by ricochet biscuit at 1:02 PM on December 30, 2020 [21 favorites]

posted by Joey Michaels at 1:05 PM on December 30, 2020

posted by Frayed Knot at 1:06 PM on December 30, 2020

Gilligan's Island was a staple TV rerun of my youth. Pretty sure I've seen every episode—and several episodes multiple times.

Same here. It seemed to be always on during a certain period and years later I can clearly remember some deeply goofy plot points.

posted by mandolin conspiracy at 1:06 PM on December 30, 2020 [7 favorites]

posted by BlahLaLa at 1:09 PM on December 30, 2020

🐝 - In reference to The Honeybees and their hit single, "You Need Us."
posted by carmicha at 1:15 PM on December 30, 2020 [6 favorites]

posted by tommasz at 1:28 PM on December 30, 2020

Those poor people....
posted by The otter lady at 1:38 PM on December 30, 2020 [19 favorites]

posted by Otherwise at 1:41 PM on December 30, 2020

posted by Faint of Butt at 1:45 PM on December 30, 2020

posted by Nat "King" Cole Porter Wagoner at 1:50 PM on December 30, 2020

She was the answer to the question: Mary Ann or Ginger?

posted by zengargoyle at 2:01 PM on December 30, 2020 [1 favorite]

Always Mary Ann over Ginger.
posted by AugustWest at 2:02 PM on December 30, 2020 [11 favorites]

posted by mikelieman at 2:03 PM on December 30, 2020

. (and, dammit)
posted by Mutant Lobsters from Riverhead at 2:03 PM on December 30, 2020 [1 favorite]

She was the answer to the question: Mary Ann or Ginger?

I was pleased to discover today that the Wikipedia entry for Gilligan's Island has, in addition to the expected sections on production, reception, cultural references and the like, a section covering this very question.
posted by ricochet biscuit at 2:05 PM on December 30, 2020 [1 favorite]

In the first year of the show, the last lines of the theme song went "Gilligan, the Skipper, too, the millionaire and his wife, the movie star, and the rest, here on Gilligan's Isle."
The rest? There were only two more. (They corrected the song to include the Professor and Mary Ann.)

According to multiple accounts, this change was made at the insistence of Bob Denver, who played a doofus on tv but evidently was tough as hell in real life.
posted by How the runs scored at 2:10 PM on December 30, 2020 [24 favorites]

posted by porpoise at 2:12 PM on December 30, 2020

posted by blob at 2:14 PM on December 30, 2020

posted by Halloween Jack at 3:07 PM on December 30, 2020

Mary Ann finally got off the island...
posted by chavenet at 3:12 PM on December 30, 2020 [1 favorite]

posted by jquinby at 3:22 PM on December 30, 2020

posted by the Real Dan at 3:24 PM on December 30, 2020

Also - neat to see The Elephant Sanctuary at the top of her list for memorial donations. Elephants go there, roam the colossal grounds, and are well-cared for in their retirement.

As a bonus, it's 100% closed to the public, so it sort of flies under the radar. It's not terribly far from where I live, but I wish it was right next door. The idea of pulling weeds or something outside and maybe hearing an elephant once in a while is almost too much to resist.
posted by jquinby at 3:27 PM on December 30, 2020 [5 favorites]

Mary Ann from Kansas for ever...

posted by Windopaene at 3:34 PM on December 30, 2020 [1 favorite]

Gilligan's Island was a very clever show. It was far from dumb comedy and had at least one episode where the actors played different characters, essentially a show within a show. The casting was impeccable. The acting doubly so. Along with Batman, it was my favorite series as a kid. RIP, Dawn Wells.
posted by Beholder at 3:38 PM on December 30, 2020 [10 favorites]

Down in the GI rabbit hole is the unfortunately-not-so-startling fact that people used to send telegrams to the Coast Guard begging them to rescue the castaways.
posted by gottabefunky at 3:52 PM on December 30, 2020 [3 favorites]

posted by Melismata at 3:53 PM on December 30, 2020

Yes, in my hometown, too, Gilligan's Island was an afterschool staple in the 70s and 80s. I had an incipient crush on the Professor and was sad that he never got together with Mary Ann. Because I identified with Mary Ann. Well, as much as a mixed-race 7 year old could. I certainly was no Ginger.

If I recall correctly, Dawn was Natalie Schaefer's caretaker in her final years. If that's not kindness, I don't know what is.

So sad that COVID stole whatever time Dawn had left.

posted by droplet at 3:58 PM on December 30, 2020 [8 favorites]

The professor now Mary Ann.
posted by clavdivs at 4:24 PM on December 30, 2020 [2 favorites]

posted by JoeXIII007 at 4:34 PM on December 30, 2020

posted by The Wrong Kind of Cheese at 4:36 PM on December 30, 2020

Grew up watching re-runs and it was Mary Ann always, though nowadays I can't not think of Those Poor People.

posted by Rumple at 4:49 PM on December 30, 2020 [3 favorites]

posted by kathrynm at 4:59 PM on December 30, 2020

Sad, weird, and great that this matters!
posted by Grok Lobster at 5:04 PM on December 30, 2020 [1 favorite]

posted by detachd at 5:20 PM on December 30, 2020

I had SUCH a crush on her when I was a kid. (Ginger too. I refuse to choose!) Wells always seemed really nice and she looked 35 for about 35 years.

I feel like the show actually holds up, if you go into it expecting a silly show. A lot of silly shows don't.
posted by Ursula Hitler at 5:45 PM on December 30, 2020 [3 favorites]

posted by ahimsakid at 6:00 PM on December 30, 2020

The cast photos in the Paul Reubens thread mentioned above are all so beautiful and interesting!
I don't know if the link will work but this one from the NYT is very painterly.
Nowadays it seems there are no "cast photos" like these taken. They take individual photos, then someone combines them in photoshop into one picture, complete with conflicting and painted-in light sources. I'm sure some bean-counter made it a rule ("This way we can recombine them however we want for advertising, and pay each actor for only one photo!")
posted by jabah at 6:02 PM on December 30, 2020 [5 favorites]

Also, I showed my kids every episode of Gilligan's Island, as well as I Dream of Jeannie, because I felt it was essential to their education.
posted by jabah at 6:17 PM on December 30, 2020 [2 favorites]

posted by The Ardship of Cambry at 6:38 PM on December 30, 2020

posted by oneswellfoop at 6:39 PM on December 30, 2020

posted by riverlife at 7:51 PM on December 30, 2020

Sometime in the 60’s, I got my father to drive me the Oakland CA (35 miles) to see a guy escape from a straight jacket hanging upside down from some top floor of the Tribune Tower in downtown. Oh, and Dawn Wells was there too. The answer is Mary Ann.

posted by njohnson23 at 8:10 PM on December 30, 2020 [4 favorites]

posted by bryon at 8:30 PM on December 30, 2020

posted by jabo at 8:48 PM on December 30, 2020

That peewee thread is great. little Kurt Russell, and a nod to Dobie Gillis, that Scooby-Doo aped.

. for em all. being stranded on a tropical island doesn't sound too bad these days.
posted by lkc at 10:59 PM on December 30, 2020 [3 favorites]

posted by Ranucci at 11:18 PM on December 30, 2020

posted by Katjusa Roquette at 2:38 AM on December 31, 2020

posted by filtergik at 3:35 AM on December 31, 2020

posted by lordrunningclam at 4:45 AM on December 31, 2020

posted by james33 at 4:48 AM on December 31, 2020

Noted stoner Dawn Wells was that much cooler than Variety depicted.

Thanks to this thread, I learned that Bob Denver was once busted for some weed that Wells sent him:
In 1998, he was arrested for marijuana delivered to his home, originally saying that the delivery came from Dawn Wells who played Mary Ann on Gilligan's Island, but he later refused to name her in court, testifying that "some crazy fan must have sent it."
This makes them both so much hilariously cooler in my mind, and I love that so many of the Gilligan's Island cast members stayed supportive friends through their lives. (And could Wells look more stoned in that mug shot from 2008? Nope, she could not.)

RIP Dawn Wells, thanks for your delightful work and for being such a good friend to those in your life.
posted by LooseFilter at 7:59 AM on December 31, 2020 [10 favorites]

posted by Cash4Lead at 8:13 AM on December 31, 2020

posted by LobsterMitten at 8:29 AM on December 31, 2020

posted by evilDoug at 8:47 AM on December 31, 2020

posted by achrise at 8:48 AM on December 31, 2020

posted by adekllny at 9:32 AM on December 31, 2020

The tontine goes to Ginger.

And all she gets is a lousy coconut.
posted by The Underpants Monster at 12:33 PM on December 31, 2020 [1 favorite]

I often proclaim that the late 1960s was the golden age of American television comedy. It was a wondrous time of goofy adventure & fun experimentation with aspects of zen surrealism. Those kooky old absurd comedy scripts had to rely upon charming character actors like Dawn Wells in order to be able to fly past reality...
posted by ovvl at 5:30 PM on December 31, 2020 [4 favorites]

posted by condour75 at 8:19 PM on December 31, 2020

posted by Flight Hardware, do not touch at 8:12 PM on January 1, 2021

posted by Gelatin at 9:59 AM on January 4, 2021

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